Articles tagged as "Financial Advice"
How staying the course gives you the long-term edge
In a world where instant gratification is king, it can be hard not to get distracted by the lure of short-term gains. But taking a long-term view of your...
When the reality of saving for retirement sets in
As you approach your peak earning years and start to reap the rewards of the time and effort you have invested in your career, saving for retirement takes on...
What I wish I knew about personal finance and investing when I started working
A first pay cheque tends to mark the start of adulthood and, with a bit of discipline, can mark your first tentative step towards financial independence. Phi...
Investment challenges older investors face
Older investors face a host of challenges entirely different to those faced by their young selves. Sandy McGregor offers a wise perspective for those of this...
Personal finance mistakes to avoid in your 20s
Nomi Bodlani reflects on common personal finance and investment mistakes investors tend to make in their 20s. If you can avoid these, you can better position...
What advice would I give to the 30-year-old me?
Your 40s are known to be a challenging decade financially, typically balancing the demands of lifestyle costs, children and their education, ageing parents a...
Part 5: Why every investor needs an independent adviser right now
Investors are panicked and who can blame them? The market volatility has persuaded some to run for the hills and never look back, while others may be tempted...
Manage the investor not the investment
In the spirit of World Financial Planning Day on 2 October and Financial Planning Week, which takes place from 7 to 11 October, is it time to review the way...
The benefits of independent financial advice
Many investors underplay the importance of financial advice to the detriment of the performance of their portfolios over time. A good financial adviser can...
PART 5: The role of financial advice in your investment success
You wouldn’t gamble with your health by not seeing a professional, why do it with your financial future? Consult an independent financial adviser to help you...
Get advice to be more money savvy
Reports show that as a millennial investor you have a savvy attitude towards cash and you want to be in-the-know about how to grow your money. The value of...